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As [[Planet Terry]], [[Robota]], and [[Omnus]] made their way through [[Gorkel]]'s impenetrable forest, Scavage appeared to them as a parrot and laid on the "Polly wants a cracker" shtick pretty thick. Satiated with Terry's offering of a space cookie, Scavage flew back to the [[Domed City]] and turned back into vulture form, where he reported that the three alien creatures were headed their way to rescue the sleeping [[Princess Ugly|Princess<sub> (shudder) </sub>Ugly]], {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}} as prophesied in the [[Book of the Gorkels]]. {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}} Scavage watched as Vermin contacted his [[dungeon guard]] to ensure the princess was still sleeping, then perched on his shoulder as he went downstairs to the [[Mayhem Maker]]. Scavage was seen again later when Vermin used the machine to whip up a whirlpool and draw the heroes to the outskirts of the Domed City to place them under arrest. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}
{{stub|{{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}}}
Scavage remained in Vermin's lair, and was there when his master called in a [[Mayhem Maker Repairs, Inc.|repairman]] for the Mayhem Maker. When told that the Mayhem Maker was in such a state of disrepair that it had to go in to the shop, Scavage called it a bad omen. Soon afterwards, the Mayhem Maker exploded, taking the entire Domed City with it. Scavage carried Vermin to safety in his talons. When Vermin saw Planet Terry taking Princess Ugly in a [[skimmer craft]], he promised revenge. Scavage thought to himself that he'd rather promise to go on a diet. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
*We only see him become a parrot in TFUK, but in {{Marvel|Planet_Terry_Vol_1_10|''Planet Terry'' issue 10,}} we see Scavage become a bluebird, so maybe he can do all sorts of avians.