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Terry's ship was tossed around by the astro tornado, and it landed on the [[Gorkel|world]] of the [[Gorkels]]. Their spiritual leader, the [[Wise One]], had the Gorkels throw a banquet for Terry and his friends, as they were "close enough" to fulfilling a prophecy from their [[Book of the Gorkels|holy book]]. The Wise One explained that it was foretold that alien creatures would arrive to save their beloved [[Princess Ugly|Princess<sub> (shudder) </sub>Ugly]] from her uncle, [[Vermin the Vile]], who had placed her under a sleeping spell. After consulting with his prized picture frame, and with encouragement from Omnus and Robota that they were a family that worked together, Terry accepted the mission of rescuing the princess, especially as the Wise One would reward their deed by repairing the ship and allowing him to continue his quest. After the Wise One told them the job would be a piece of cake, another Gorkel reminded him of the myriad dangers between their settlement and the far-off [[Domed City]], but Terry, Robota, and Omnus marched forward with a determined war cry of "close enough!" {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}}
Terry's ship was tossed around by the astro tornado, and it landed on the [[Gorkel|world]] of the [[Gorkels]]. Their spiritual leader, the [[Wise One]], had the Gorkels throw a banquet for Terry and his friends, as they were "close enough" to fulfilling a prophecy from their [[Book of the Gorkels|holy book]]. The Wise One explained that it was foretold that alien creatures would arrive to save their beloved [[Princess Ugly|Princess<sub> (shudder) </sub>Ugly]] from her uncle, [[Vermin the Vile]], who had placed her under a sleeping spell. After consulting with his prized picture frame, and with encouragement from Omnus and Robota that they were a family that worked together, Terry accepted the mission of rescuing the princess, especially as the Wise One would reward their deed by repairing the ship and allowing him to continue his quest. After the Wise One told them the job would be a piece of cake, another Gorkel reminded him of the myriad dangers between their settlement and the far-off [[Domed City]], but Terry, Robota, and Omnus marched forward with a determined war cry of "close enough!" {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}}

Heading through the impenetrable forest guided by a [[vibro-compass]], Robota offered to take over Omnus' job of uprooting trees if he started to feel tired, but she was affronted when the egotistical big ape laughed her off and told her it was man's work. After Terry chided them for their squabbling, Robota spotted a cute parrot. Terry fed it a space cookie, and it flew away after thanking him. Unknown to the three of them, the parrot was actually the shapeshifting vulture [[Scavage]], who reported back to Vermin the Vile that the meddling interlopers were coming to rescue the princess. Using the [[Mayhem Maker]], Vermin observed Terry and friends and put a number of obstacles in their way.
[[File:Planet Terry Robota fun is over.jpg|thumb|upright=0.7]]

{{stub|{{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}}}
[[File:Planet Terry Robota fun is over.jpg|thumb|upright=0.8]]
The first obstacle was a patch of tickle vines, which ensnared Terry and Omnus and made them helpless with laughter. As a robot, Robota was immune to being tickled, and snapped herself free from the vines before using her robot ray beam to zap Terry and Omnus loose. As Terry thanked her, Robota remarked that she had the last laugh.

Next, they were surprised when a sudden earthquake developed into an active volcano; Omnus protected his companions from danger by swinging them on a vine across the molten lava. They next encountered a small stream that Terry determined was harmless with an [[aqua-analyzer]]. As they waded through, Vermin transformed the stream into a strong whirlpool, and they were shot out of the vortex and into a bubble cell. They landed on the outskirts of the Domed City, visible now that Vermin had lifted the mist, and the villain was there to personally greet them. When Terry refused to recognise Vermin's authority over Princess<sub> (shudder) </sub>Ugly, Vermin placed them under arrest... and soon called attention to the fact that Robota was fainting from rapid onset rust. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}

[[File:X-Babies Robota comparison.jpeg|thumb|upright=0.8|Bright shiny object Robota, sex object Robota, and literal object Robota.]]
[[File:X-Babies Robota comparison.jpeg|thumb|upright=0.8|Bright shiny object Robota, sex object Robota, and literal object Robota.]]