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Princess Ugly was the ruler of the [[Gorkels]] {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}} on the planet [[Gorkel]]. {{storylink|TooThe CloseSecret (Enough)of forthe ComfortSpace Warp}} She was the niece of [[Vermin the Vile]]. Despite being hideous beyond belief, Princess Ugly was beloved by the Gorkels, and they were distraught when she was kidnapped by Vermin and placed under a sleeping spell in his [[Domed City]] so that he could rule the planet in her place. The Gorkels lived according to a tome of prophecies {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}} called the [[Book of the Gorkels]] {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}} which predicted that alien creatures would arrive on Gorkel and break the spell. When [[Planet Terry]], [[Robota]], and [[Omnus]] crash landed on Gorkel, they were soon encouraged to fulfil the prophecy. {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}}
As Terry and friends passed through Gorkel's impenetrable forest, they were observed by [[Scavage]], who reported back to Vermin the Vile that they threatened to fulfil the book's prophecy. Vermin checked in with his [[dungeon guard]] to ensure that she was still sleeping and that his rule absolute. The guard was unable to answer any of his questions, as Princess Ugly was snoring too monstrously for him to hear Vermin over the intercom. Despite Vermin's interference, Terry and friends made it to the Domed City. When Terry refused to recognise Vermin's authority over Princess Ugly, Vermin placed them under arrest. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}