Princess Ugly: Difference between revisions

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As Terry and friends passed through Gorkel's impenetrable forest, they were observed by [[Scavage]], who reported back to Vermin the Vile that they threatened to fulfil the book's prophecy. Vermin checked in with his [[dungeon guard]] to ensure that she was still sleeping and that his rule absolute. The guard was unable to answer any of his questions, as Princess Ugly was snoring too monstrously for him to hear Vermin over the intercom. Despite Vermin's interference, Terry and friends made it to the Domed City. When Terry refused to recognise Vermin's authority over Princess Ugly, Vermin placed them under arrest. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}
{{stub|{{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}}}
*Since royals are typically born into monarchy (on Earth at least) and Uncle Vermin isn't a Gorkel, we can only assume that Princess Ugly is half Gorkel, half [[Vermin the Vile's species|whatever Vermin is]]. Vermin's species is differentiated from humans by their pointy Spock ears, and we never actually see the tips of the princess's ears under her hair.