Planet Terry's parents: Difference between revisions

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Terry's parents were in the [[Confederation Astro Patrol]]. Both served on the Confederation Cosmos Cruiser ''[[Space Warp]]''; Terry's father was the captain, and his mother was the supply officer. They were married, and Terry was their first child. {{storylink|Some Answers}}
[[File:Planet Terry Space Warp crew.jpg|thumb|left]]
As Terry's birth approached, his father's nerves led him to drink too much coffee, served by chief engineer/mess boy [[Enoch Diggs]]. Diggs had been tasked with finding a sterile environment to keep the baby, and came up with the solution of using the [[life ship]]. After Terry was born, the captain was called to the life ship to see his baby boy. In the caffeine-fuelled overstimulation, the captain accidentally struck the life ship's emergency glass, causing it to automatically evacuate the ship, taking Terry with it. Terry was thought to be lost forever. The captain's only response was "oops!" {{storylink|Some Answers}}