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In an absolutely ''foul'' mood, Omnus spent a day stomping through the forest on [[Asteroid 43KX]], loudly declaring his hatred for anything that got in his way, including trees and bushes and [[Gnork hog]]s. The [[Milk Toast Malt Shop]] was lucky enough to not be in his path, but if he met anyone on the bridge across the [[Crocogater]]-infested moat, they'd be in for it. As it happens, his path was obstructed by some [[Planet Terry|short kid]] and a [[Robota|bucket of bolts]]. When they refused to back off and allow him through, he asked if the kid wanted to become gator chow. The boy insulted Omnus' bad manners, so he took a swing at him – but he lost his footing and slipped into the moat. Omnus called for help as he was unable to fight off all the Crocogaters by himself, so the robot girl dived in to rescue him, despite her belief he didn't deserve it. Omnus thanked his saviours, who introduced themselves as Planet Terry and Robota, and he wandered off with his tail between his legs, telling them that he owed them one.
In an absolutely ''foul'' mood, Omnus spent a day stomping through the forest on [[Asteroid 43KX]], loudly declaring his hatred for anything that got in his way, including trees and bushes and [[Gnork hog]]s. The [[Milk Toast Malt Shop]] was lucky enough to not be in his path, but if he met anyone on the bridge across the [[Crocogater]]-infested moat, they'd be in for it. As it happens, his path was obstructed by some [[Planet Terry|short kid]] and a [[Robota|bucket of bolts]]. When they refused to back off and allow him through, he asked if the kid wanted to become gator chow. The boy insulted Omnus' bad manners, so he took a swing at him – but he lost his footing and slipped into the moat. Omnus called for help as he was unable to fight off all the Crocogaters by himself, so the robot girl dived in to rescue him, despite her belief he didn't deserve it. Omnus thanked his saviours, who introduced themselves as Planet Terry and Robota, and he wandered off with his tail between his legs, telling them that he owed them one.

[[File:Planet Terry Omnus let him go.jpg|thumb|left|upright=0.825]]
They ended up cashing in that favour pretty quickly, as when Omnus entered the Malt Shop, he found Terry and Robota apprehended by [[Morthrott and Grmbil]], who intended to throw them to the gators. Omnus took on the two bouncers with ease, and the three interlopers fled the joint with the unconscious [[Squink]] in tow. Omnus warned his new companions that they were being chased by the Malt Shop's occupants, leading Terry to kick the log bridge free from its moorings, trapping their pursuers on the other side of the moat. Calling Terry a smart cookie, Omnus asked if he could join the boy's crew, as he suddenly felt unwelcome on the asteroid and wanted to see what other darn good fights Terry could drop him into. Terry accepted, and as they left the asteroid, he mused that he may not yet have found his parents, but with Robota and Omnus, he sure had found a family. {{storylink|Malt Shop Menace}}
They ended up cashing in that favour pretty quickly, as when Omnus entered the Malt Shop, he found Terry and Robota apprehended by [[Morthrott and Grmbil]], who intended to throw them to the gators. Omnus took on the two bouncers with ease, and the three interlopers fled the joint with the unconscious [[Squink]] in tow. Omnus warned his new companions that they were being chased by the Malt Shop's occupants, leading Terry to kick the log bridge free from its moorings, trapping their pursuers on the other side of the moat. Calling Terry a smart cookie, Omnus asked if he could join the boy's crew, as he suddenly felt unwelcome on the asteroid and wanted to see what other darn good fights Terry could drop him into. Terry accepted, and as they left the asteroid, he mused that he may not yet have found his parents, but with Robota and Omnus, he sure had found a family. {{storylink|Malt Shop Menace}}

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Guided by a [[vibro-compass]], Omnus uprooted his way through the impenetrable forest. When Robota offered to take over if he started feeling tired, he laughed that she wanted to take over a man's job. After Terry chided them for their squabbling, they came across a cute parrot. Terry fed it a space cookie, and it flew away after thanking him. Unknown to the three of them, the parrot was actually the shapeshifting vulture [[Scavage]], who reported back to Vermin the Vile that the meddling interlopers were coming to rescue the princess. Using the [[Mayhem Maker]], Vermin observed Terry and friends and put a number of obstacles in their way.
Guided by a [[vibro-compass]], Omnus uprooted his way through the impenetrable forest. When Robota offered to take over if he started feeling tired, he laughed that she wanted to take over a man's job. After Terry chided them for their squabbling, they came across a cute parrot. Terry fed it a space cookie, and it flew away after thanking him. Unknown to the three of them, the parrot was actually the shapeshifting vulture [[Scavage]], who reported back to Vermin the Vile that the meddling interlopers were coming to rescue the princess. Using the [[Mayhem Maker]], Vermin observed Terry and friends and put a number of obstacles in their way.

[[File:Planet Terry Omnus swings.jpg|thumb|upright=0.825]]
The first obstacle was a patch of tickle vines, which ensnared Terry and Omnus and made them helpless with laughter. Robota proved immune to being tickled, and defeated the vines with her strength and her robot ray beam. Next, they were surprised when a sudden earthquake developed into an active volcano; Omnus protected his companions from danger by swinging them on a vine across the molten lava. Terry began to suspect that somebody was deliberately impeding their journey to the Domed City, causing Omnus to growl that he'd like to meet that somebody.
The first obstacle was a patch of tickle vines, which ensnared Terry and Omnus and made them helpless with laughter. Robota proved immune to being tickled, and defeated the vines with her strength and her robot ray beam. Next, they were surprised when a sudden earthquake developed into an active volcano; Omnus protected his companions from danger by swinging them on a vine across the molten lava. Terry began to suspect that somebody was deliberately impeding their journey to the Domed City, causing Omnus to growl that he'd like to meet that somebody.