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Olia-cym was a Slavebot stationed on the [[Slave-Master]]'s [[Slave-Master's ship|ship]]. The Slave-Master ordered him to ensure their Earthling prisoners were fed. Olia-cym headed to the slave section with some trepidation, and tried to break the ice with a sheepish "Hello". Unfortunately, Matt and Humph immediately pounced on him. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 14/Matt and the Cat|''Matt and the Cat'' issue 14}} Olia-cym saw stars immediately after, and Matt and Humph held fire, having clearly overdone it. Olia-cym told them he was bringing them food; Matt apologised, and Humph was immediately endeared to him. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 15/Matt and the Cat|Issue 15}} As the ship began to descend to [[Darkon]], Olia-cym warned them that they would be sold into slavery, and potentially split to different parts of the galaxy. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 16/Matt and the Cat|Issue 16}}