Minor Zipponian robots

The Zipponians on Planet Zip made use of a vast number of robots.


Issue 17

An all-black Zipponian required a particularly fast robot to fly through space to Earth. This was in order to buy him a bag of spuds before half day closing. Robo-Capers issue 17

Issue 20

The King had a robot developed that could disguise itself as an ordinary Earth motor vehicle, apparently not realising that said cars typically don't have visible arms, legs, or heads. Issue 20

Issue 22

The King had a robot designed that could best be described as an ambulatory television. He had it equipped with the ultimate weapon: a 24 hour video of Crossroads. Issue 22

Issue 23

The King had a squadron of robots fitted with logic circuits to make them capable of independent thought. Before they were sent to invade Planet Kringe, the robots unanimously went on strike. Issue 23

Issue 24

Two giant fighting robots – a black one and a white one – were a regular sight on Planet Zip. On one occasion, they blocked the path of a trio of Zipponians, one of whom put his money on the black robot. When he was squashed by the black robot's decapitated head, one of his friends told him not to bet on it. Issue 24