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Transmute confirmed that they had travelled to the year [[Robot universe#2535|2535]]. Mikros sought to find out more about their surroundings, and took to the air with his jetpack. From the higher vantage point, he could tell that the wasteland was the result of a nuclear war. Despite the heavy death toll, he couldn't shake the feeling that they weren't alone. His suspicions were proven correct when he was attacked by a [[Mutant|mutated]] [[brute]]. The monster spoke in alien words that Mikros found interesting. When his optic blasts proved ineffective, Mikros prepared to take the creature on hand-to-hand. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 23/The Chromobots|Issue 23}}
It didn't last long – with one swipe, the brute sent Mikros flying. His hard landing alerted his cohorts to the monster's presence; Shield took on the challenge. The brute wasn't the only mutant in the wasteland, as the Chromobots were soon taken on by Predator's other creations, [[Rage]] and [[Menace]]. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 24/The Chromobots|Issue 24}} Mikros got into a fight with Rage, apologising for taking evasive action from his attacks. The fight was called off by Predator himself, who had arrived to gloat about his success in destroying Chromos Five and taking over the Earth. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 25/The Chromobots|Issue 25}}
Dudley thought quickly and snatched Predator's [[time modulator]]. As the boy ran back to the time shift, Mikros and the other Chromobots held off the Mutants. Dudley was the first to get back to 1985, and Mikros was close behind. After Shield destroyed the modulator, healing the time shifts and causing Predator's future to fold in on itself, Mikros reported that Transmute had found the abducted Tessa Stone right where they left here, meaning they had time to care for her injuries. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 26/The Chromobots|Issue 26}}
[[Category:The Chromobots characters]]