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On the dirigible, Machine Man was apparently disabled in a fight with Khan's new henchman, [[Tong]], who was enhanced to feel no pain. Machine Man and Khan were attached to a device designed to transfer their consciousnesses, allowing Khan to have an immortal body to match his powerful intellect. Machine Man feigned the device's success to get the drop on Tong, who he realised could still be harmed despite not feeling it, and in reality he had sent an electric backlash into the lab's instruments. With Tong downed and the dirigible exploding, Machine Man taunted Khan that if he wanted to escape such a nasty accident, he would have to save himself. As he escaped the exploding blimp, Machine Man pondered on how Khan's greed and vainglory reminded him of the worst of humanity. Aaron disregarded his despair to instead move on and, as always, hope for a better future for mankind. {{storylink|Xanadu!}}
On one occasion, Machine Man saved a bus full of school children from crashing off a bridge into the ocean. Machine Man helped to repair the bridge, though Peter encouraged him to take it slowly for the benefit of the assembled press and paparazzi. Peter readily admitted when asked by a journo that this was in response to [[Miles Brickman]]'s anti-Machine Man crusade, as Machine Man would have no need to take jobs from workers. TV reporter [[Dorothy MasonMayson]] argued that Machine Man was at that moment taking a job from a derrick operator, and that with a hundred Machine Men, there'd be thousands fewer employees in construction. The press dispersed, and Machine Man, who found the whole situation unnecessary, departed for the job he already had. Arriving at Delmar, Aaron was pounced upon by an amorous Maggie, so he stranded her on top of a tall filing cabinet.
That evening, Aaron was at home re-energising his cells when he received a call from Peter to put the TV on. The top news, as reported by Mrs Mayson, concerned a break-in of a Wall Street vault – with the [[Dobbs|security guards]] claiming the assailant to be Machine Man! Aaron could only listen over the phone as [[NYPD|police]] showed up at Peter's apartment with a warrant for both his and Machine Man's arrest. Distressed by this travesty of justice, Machine Man departed to patrol the city looking for the real culprit, though he had to modify his flight path to avoid Maggie, who was staking his apartment out.