Machine Man: Difference between revisions

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Machine Man detached his left arm to catch Pamela, negating gravity for her safe descent. Boarding the helicopter, he defeated the remaining henchmen and, though he was once again subjected to a blast from Sol-Mac, managed to electrocute the entire craft using its own power source, stunning the villains. After dismantling the Sol-Mac and transferring the helicopter into police control, Machine Man returned to check up on Pamela, for whom he feels strangely concerned for. He found no time to address his confusing emotions, as his failure to establish radio contact with his detached arm told him that it had been stolen from the immediate vicinity. {{storylink|Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!}}
{{stub|{{storylink|Arms and the Robot!}}}}
In 1985, {{storylink|The Transformers issue 21/The Chromobots|''The Chromobots'' issue 21}} comics fan [[Dudley]] had a poster of Machine Man. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 12/The Chromobots|''The Chromobots'' issue 12}} {{storylink|The Transformers issue 16/The Chromobots|Issue 16}}