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Machine Man tapped into the power source of a street lamp, using the resulting beam to force Ion into a nearby meat market. Though he found difficulty in dodging Ion's electro-magnetic blasts in such close quarters, he successfully lured her into the meat locker, where the low temperature caused Dr Todd to stabilise back into human form. Machine Man left her for the Fantastic Four to find, complete with precise instructions on how to keep Dr Todd cryogenically sealed until a cure could be found for her condition. Despite that, the Thing still held a grudge. {{storylink|Kill Me or Cure Me}}
One morning in May, Aaron and Eddie were dispatched to inspect the [[Chem-Solar]] corporation's security arrangements, as the firm wanted to up its insurance coverage. Their visit coincided with Chem-Solar's scientists testing their powerful microwave transmitter, the [[Sol-Mac]], and the consequent break-in of [[Baron Brimstone]], who sought to steal it. Machine Man tried to stop him, but was caught off guard by the assailant's apparent mystic bolts, and was heavily damaged when the Baron turned the Sol-Mac on him. Fortunately for Machine Man, Brimstone considered murder a final resort, and he escaped with the Sol-Mac, warning him not to cross his path again.
{{stub|{{storylink|Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!}}}}
After Machine Man's auxiliary power system finally kicked in, he had to flee the scene while protecting his exposed chest mechanisms. Meeting with Gears Garvin, the mechanic fixed his chest up and covered him with a laser-proof refractory coating. After he expressed his fears about the Sol-Mac, Gears also coated his most vulnerable parts with a microwave-insulating gold covering.
In the weeks that followed, a series of unexplainable heists by Baron Brimstone and his sinister [[Satan Squad]] turned Aaron into a man possessed, with him ignoring all his colleagues but the sweet and thoughtful Pamela. A breakthrough came in the form of a copy of the Sol-Mac's specs, courtesy of Byron J. Benjamin. With the help of Compucord, Machine Man worked out that the Satan Squad's next job would be the theft of the famed golden bell at the cathedral of [[St. Gabriella of the Highlands]], as the Sol-Mac would require a large quantity of the material for shielding purposes.
Making it across town on his boot skates, Machine Man prevented the theft of the ostentatious religious artefact and subdued the men of the Satan Squad, including [[Snake Marston]] and [[Hammer Harrison]]. He then turned his attention to the criminals' waiting helicopter, from which Baron Brimstone pushed Pamela, whom they had taken captive for carrying out her own investigations.
Machine Man detached his left arm to catch Pamela, negating gravity for her safe descent. Boarding the helicopter, he defeated the remaining henchmen and, though he was once again subjected to a blast from Sol-Mac, managed to electrocute the entire craft using its own power source, stunning the villains. After dismantling the Sol-Mac and transferring the helicopter into police control, Machine Man returned to check up on Pamela, for whom he feels strangely concerned for. He found no time to address his confusing emotions, as his failure to establish radio contact with his detached arm told him that it had been stolen from the immediate vicinity. {{storylink|Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!}}
In 1985, {{storylink|The Transformers issue 23/The Chromobots|''The Chromobots'' issue 23}} comics fan [[Dudley]] had a poster of Machine Man. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 12/The Chromobots|''The Chromobots'' issue 12}}