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The next morning, a photo taken by Mrs Mayson of Machine Man "invading" the prison was all over [[Daily Bugle|the papers]]. A frustrated Aaron suited up and handed himself in to the authorities. His impersonator committed another crime while Machine Man spent the night imprisoned, proving his and Peter's innocence. They regrouped at Peter's apartment, but were interrupted by [[Archie Goldsmith]] bursting through the door, chased by the fake Machine Man, who had orders to kill him. The two Machine Men fought, with the bout ending when the impostor took them both through the window and landing in the sewers. Machine Man followed him to [[Fred Greenfield]] and his getaway van, where he took Fred's supersonic device that was controlling the fake and apprehended him. The next day, realising that the impersonator, Barry Witherspoon, was being mind controlled, Machine Man called in a favour with Dr [[Oliver Broadhurst]], who restored Witherspoon back to normal. With the real crooks serving justice and Peter out of jail, Machine Man watched as his doppelganger reunited with his [[Gloria Witherspoon|loving wife and children]] and solemnly wondered, "What else could anyone want?" {{storylink|The Man Who Could Walk Through Walls}}
{{stub|[[Kill Me or Cure Me]]}}
Aaron apparently became Peter's roommate, though Peter found his mechanical side a bit much when they got ready in the morning. Aaron's work ethic once again caught the ire of Eddie and Maggie, but he was defended by file clerk [[Pamela Quinn]]. Later that day, Pamela gave Aaron the message that Benjamin wanted to see him in his office, where the bossman told Aaron of the fire at the [[Alternative Resources Centre]], encouraging Aaron to assess the damage and offer help. Aaron learned from an [[FDNY|attending firefighter]] that people could still be trapped in the building, so he entered as Machine Man.
After saving two [[Sexist lab technicians|lab technicians]] – and once again facing anti-robot prejudice – Machine Man encountered [[Ion|Dr Voletta Todd]], whose experiments with hydrogen fusion had accidentally metamorphosed her into an inhuman monster. Dr Todd demanded help with her affliction, but went berserk when she felt patronised by a being she recognised as a mere machine. After failing to contain the Dr Todd creature under a sheet of computer insulation, she trapped him in the rubble of the burning building and escaped.
Machine Man broke free, despite the damage he had sustained to three of his limbs; however, his injuries affected the trajectory of his gravity negation, and an internal fail-safe mechanism deactivated it completely, forcing him to make an emergency landing in an empty auto yard to avoid human casualties. There he was met by mechanic [[Gears Garvin]] who, despite Machine Man's dissuasion, insisted on fixing up the robot, and impressed him by rewiring his arm muscles and lashing together a unicycled assembly to keep him mobile.
After thanking Gears, Machine Man monitored radio frequencies for news on "Ion", as the press were now calling Dr Todd. A police report tipped him off to a break-in at the Baxter Building, home of the [[Fantastic Four]]. After entering via the scenic route – a broken window – Machine Man met the [[Human Torch]], who immediately fought him, thinking he was Ion's accomplice. By lowering the temperature of his hand to absolute zero, Machine Man gave the Torch the cold shoulder – literally. Ion escaped in the confusion, and Machine Man had to abruptly trip the [[Thing]] in order to chase her.
Machine Man tapped into the power source of a street lamp, using the resulting beam to force Ion into a nearby meat market. Though he found difficulty in dodging Ion's electro-magnetic blasts in such close quarters, he successfully lured her into the meat locker, where the low temperature caused Dr Todd to stabilise back into human form. Machine Man left her for the Fantastic Four to find, complete with precise instructions on how to keep Dr Todd cryogenically sealed until a cure could be found for her condition. Despite that, the Thing still held a grudge. {{storylink|Kill Me or Cure Me}}