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Machine Man made his way across town, thinking about the death of his father and how he was facing his own similar time bomb. His analysis lead him to conclude that his blackouts were the result of a malfunction in his cerebral cortex. He decided that he must be terminated if a fix couldn't be found, lest he become a rampaging monster. Nonetheless, he had a final duty to perform in protecting the embassy from Jack O'Lantern's plans.
[[File:Machine Man a mask of my own face.jpg|thumb|left|upright=0.8|It's amazing what you'll find face to face.]]
With no time to get his face repaired or to pick up a costume, Aaron bribed a pair of young trick-or-treaters for a rubber superhero mask. He entered the party and met up with Maggie, Pamela, Eddie, and [[Brock Jones]]. Maggie showed her disdain for Aaron's "unimaginative" costume by ripping his mask off; as his colleagues laughed that he'd concealed one "man of steel" mask under another, Aaron was stunned that they thought his true, irreducible appearance was a costume.