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Holier than holier than thou. (Kora is third from the left, and Akra is furthest right.)

Evolved from five regular humans after a freak accident, the beings that would come to be known as the Ethicals now seek to guide mankind to a utopian future... after overcoming their first obstacle, their "father", Machine Man!

Born of Machine Man's unique energy, the Ethicals display a number of related abilities, including levitation and electrical manipulation, as well as intangibility. Their metamorphosis has gifted them an awareness of things to come, including ensnaring powers from a future era, as well as a vision of mankind's development. Unfortunately, the latter has caused them to have a rigid view of morality, and they are all too prepared to offer their judgement on those they cross paths with.

The two female Ethicals are named Akra and Kora, though it is unknown if those are their original names.


Machine Man's disillusionment with humanity came to a boiling point after stopping a series of crimes in the Bowery. The resulting emotional outburst released a burst of energy, which flared into a nearby home-made chemistry lab. The five occupants were struck down by the unique combination of electricity and chemicals, and revived as evolved, angelic beings.

The beings tracked down their "father" just in time to prevent him from killing an armed robber. Telling the enraged Machine Man that he was endangering the future of humanity with his current behaviour, they effortlessly evaded all of his attacks. They ensnared him, holding a vote on whether to execute him. Aaron refused to provide a case for his defence, but he was saved by a boy whose father Aaron had saved. Aaron realised he had been seeing the worst of humanity, and that he wrongly considered himself above them. Satisfied that Aaron had learned that there was still hope for mankind, the beings ascended to their destiny elsewhere in the universe. Where Walk the Gods!


The Ethicals on Marvel Database, an external wiki
  • The name "Ethicals" doesn't actually appear in "Where Walk the Gods!", instead coming from their next appearance in 1990's Quasar issue 14,  but hey, we've got to call them something. In that issue, they reveal that they have spent the intervening time searching for "the underlying ethics behind all transactional behaviour" in an endeavour to "establish a universal code of ethics for all sentient entities."
  • Between their neighbourhood, their "home-made chemistry lab", one of them evolving away his greasy hair and stubble, and the sheer irony of them becoming super-judgey sanctimonious types... these guys were totally making drugs, right?