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[[File:Machine Man Human Torch.jpg|thumb|upright=0.5|Do you think he practises flying in a 4 shape?]]
Flame on! Turned into the '''Humanbeing Torch'''of pure fire by cosmic rays, the '''JohnnyHuman StormTorch''' reckons he's hot stuff, when really, he's more of a hot ''head''. The Torch is almost always the first of the [[Fantastic Four]] to charge into battle... and usually the first to get his butt handed to him.
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Just then, [[Machine Man|a robot on one wheel]] entered through the same window as the gas monster. The Human Torch created a wall of flame, demanding answers out of the robot. In response, the android cooled his fist to absolute zero and gave the Torch the cold shoulder – literally. With both Fantastic Four members downed, the creature escaped.
The Torch and the Thing tracked the two intruders to the nearby Quality Meat Market, where the monster, now in human form, was unconscious in the meat locker, with the robot having left instructions on how to preserve her in cryogenic storage while they searched for a cure for her condition. When JohnnyTorch explained the situation to Reed and [[Invisible Girl|Sue]], Sue expressed how she felt sorry for the frozen scientist, but the Thing told her to save her pity for after he got finished with that dad-blasted robot. {{storylink|Kill Me or Cure Me}}
{{MarvelWiki|Jonathan_Storm_(Earth-616)|Johnny Storm}}
*The Human Torch – a.k.a. '''Johnny Storm''' – was pictured alongside many other Marvel heroes on the cover of {{TF|Heavy_Traffic!|''Transformers'' U.S. issue 22,}} as part of that month's [[Marvel Comics 25th Anniversary|celebration of 25 years of Marvel Comics]].
[[Category:Machine Man characters]]