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On another occasion, Eddie tried to give Aaron a more secure investment for his future and offered to make him some money in the <s>virgin</s> unknown territory of betting on high school girls' badminton matches. Rebuffing him, Aaron asked why his funds were always depleted if gambling was a carefully investigated science, to which Eddie responded that even science requires research grants. Calling after Aaron that he'd never be a big time operator like him, Eddie turned to Maggie and asked for a loan of five bucks for lunch. {{storylink|Alone Against Alpha Flight!}}
{{stub|{{storylink|Jolted by Jack O'Lantern!}}}}
One day in October, when head honcho [[Byron J. Benjamin]] called an emergency meeting, Eddie was given the task of tracking down Aaron, who was running late – and he managed to get a small loan from stone-face to make up for getting stung on the previous Sunday's football picks. In the meeting, Benjamin revealed plans to unveil Delmar's new [[super-embassy]] with a costume party no [[Halloween]]. Eddie attended the meeting, and as Benjamin called Aaron to stop behind for a further chat, he sneered that the boss's top investigator was buttering him up again.
The following week, Eddie attended the costume party with Maggie, Pamela, and [[Brock Jones]], where he ran a best costume pool. Aaron again arrived late, his only concession to the season being a rubber mask paired with his regular business suit. As Maggie pulled his "man of steel" mask off, Eddie and his colleagues boggled and then laughed that Aaron had a robot fright mask on underneath.
Eddie was presumably still in attendance shortly afterwards, when the partygoers were trapped in the embassy by supervillain [[Jack O'Lantern]]. After Machine Man defeated Jack, he made tracks to avoid any of Delmar's employees asking why his face looked just like Aaron's costume. {{storylink|Jolted by Jack O'Lantern!}}
{{MarvelWiki|Edward_Harris_(Earth-616)|Eddie Harris}}