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[[File:Planet Terry dungeon guard.jpg|thumb]]
The '''dungeon guard''' is a [[Vermin the Vile's species|man]] working as a jailer for [[Vermin the Vile]] in the [[Domed City]]. He does not appear to enjoy his position, but he's dedicated to doing a damn good job of it. Same, dungeon guard.
The dungeon guard was employed to watch over [[Princess Ugly|Princess<sub> (shudder) </sub>Ugly]]'s cell {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}} while she was under a sleeping spell, enabling [[Vermin the Vile]] to rule in her place. {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}} When Vermin the Vile heard from [[Scavage]] that alien creatures were travelling to the [[Domed City]], part of a prophecy about Princess Ugly's salvation, he checked in with the dungeon guard to ensure that she was still sleeping. The dungeon guard was unable to answer Vermin's questions, as the princess was snoring too loudly for him to hear. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}
{{stub|{{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}}}
The dungeon guard was covering his ears and regretting his life choices when he was set upon by [[Planet Terry]], but refused to follow the boy's demand he open the door. He was more amenable to [[Omnus]]'s threat of violence. When Terry awoke the princess with a kiss, the guard cheered that the spell was broken, and his whoops for joy spread throughout the Domed City. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
*In "The Doom of the Domed City", Terry refers to the dungeon guard as "turn key", an archaic word for a jailer. This has caused some to [http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix9/verminvile.htm#turnkey interpret it as a proper noun.]