Chromatic Star Federation: Difference between revisions

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[[Transmute]] and [[Mikros]] were dispatched by the Chromatic Star Federation to Earth, with the mission of capturing or eliminating the escaped criminal, [[Predator]]. He told the human boy [[Dudley]] that he could think of them as the police of the Chromatic Star Federation. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 16/The Chromobots|''The Chromobots'' issue 16}}
Two weeks later, Predator himself mused that it was only logical that the Chromatic Star Federation would have sent [[Chromobots' starship|police star ships]] after him. His suspicions were proven correct when he was decked by Transmute. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 17/The Chromobots|Issue 17}}
Disguised as a [[Humph|Humph the Cat]] cuddly toy to hide from [[Dudley's dad]], Transmute thought to himself that he could hardly introduce himself as a representative of the Chromatic Star Federation looking like that. After the snooping parent had gone, [[Shield]] volunteered to return to the ship and give the C.S.F. a mission update. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 20/The Chromobots|Issue 20}}