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[[File:Planet Terry Book of the Gorkels.jpg|thumb|upright=0.9]]
The [[Gorkels]] are a superstitious species, with their major vectors in life being determined by a tome of ancient prophecies called the '''Book of the Gorkels'''.
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The Book of the Gorkels {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}} was held by the [[Wise One]], who used it to guide the [[Gorkels]] to live out its prophecies on the basis that "it is written in the book!" When its predictions were inconsistent with reality, it was deemed "close enough!" {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}}
The Wise One consulted the book when an [[Planet Terry's ship|alien space craft]] crashed on [[Gorkel]]. Though the craft didn't quite contain what the book predicted, he nonetheless encouraged [[Planet Terry]], [[Robota]], and [[Omnus]] to go along with the rest of the prophecy and voyage to the [[Domed City]] to free [[Princess Ugly|Princess<sub> (shudder) </sub>Ugly]] from her uncle, [[Vermin the Vile]]. {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}}
Vermin did not believe in the book, but he and his lackey [[Scavage]] were familiar enough with its prophecies to be able to act against them. After Scavage reported that the three alien creatures were coming to rescue Princess Ugly, Vermin decided to pit the superstitions of the book against his [[Mayhem Maker]]. Vermin soon captured Terry and his friends; when Terry asked why the Domed City was so named if it had no dome, Vermin responded that it must have been written in "that dumb book of the Gorkels". {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}
Terry and friends broke the evil spell and rescued Princess Ugly. As the [[Vermin the Vile's species|people]] celebrated, Terry asked one about the Domed City's name, and got the answer that it was written in the book. Princess Ugly corrected him: what was written in the book was that it was the ''Doomed'' City, and that it would be destroyed when the Mayhem Maker went haywire. The residents considered this "close enough!" and fled. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
Escaping the explosion, Terry and friends returned Princess Ugly to the Gorkels, though their success had been written in the book. When Terry revealed he'd been looking for [[Planet Terry's parents|his parents']] ship, the ''[[Space Warp]]'', the Wise One dropped the book in shock, as the craft had long ago crashed nearby. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
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;The rescue of the princess "will be a ''soft job! Easy! Nothing'' to it! ''Piece of cake!''"
'''Reality:''' On the journey to the Domed City, Terry and friends were impeded by the impenetrable forest, the [[Mayhem Maker]], the terror vines, the volcano, and the whirlpool. {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}} Unremarked upon was that the "terror vines" were actually tickle vines. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}} Close enough?
{{stub|{{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}}}
;When Vermin's evil spell is broken, the Mayhem Maker will go berserk and destroy the city.
'''Reality:''' The Mayhem Maker did indeed malfunction at such a time, but the prophecy had been misinterpreted such that the Doomed City had instead been named the Domed City. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
[[Category:Planet Terry]]