Alone Against Alpha Flight!: Difference between revisions

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===Part 3===
Machine Man taps into the power source of a nearby lamppost and uses a carefully calculated charge to stun Sasquatch. To Langowski's surprise, however, Machine Man carefully pulls him out of the water to prevent him drowning, and as the living robot skates away to make his rendezvous with Madam Menace, Sasquatch tries to contact his teammates.
Machine Man follows the signal to a large sewer chamber where he is attacked by Menace's henchmen. As they bring out an increasing amount of artillery, such as solar-powered nunchakus, he deduces that capabilities are being studied remotely by his foe. As her henchmen continue to fall, a desperate Menace orders them to break out the sonic disruptor. Machine Man is caught in the beam, and he loses all control of his convulsing body.
Rescue comes from an unexpected source, as Northstar and Aurora arrive, having searched the city at super-speed for Sasquatch and followed Machine Man with their wrist trackers. Sasquatch has since concluded that Machine Man leaving him alive proves that he can't be a villain, but the living robot hasn't received the memo, believing himself to be at the mercy of two warring groups of enemies.
Machine Man can only think of one method to free himself. He detaches his head, and uses his gravity-negating powers to repeatedly headbutt the sonic disruptor. Though he successfully destroys the device and ends its influence on his flailing body, his humanised face has become melted and disfigured. In unnerving silence, his head floats back to his body and he reattaches it. Then with quiet fury, the robot speaks:
"Are you all quite satisfied?"
Letting out his bottled-up rage, Machine Man fearsomely attacks the henchmen. Madam Menace concludes that he's gone mad. Northstar and Aurora attempt to stop him committing murder using their combined [[Mutant]] power of a blinding beam of light, but Machine Man's finger sensors are immune to its effects and he punches the twins. Sasquatch tries to grab him, but Machine Man lashes out, pummelling him senseless.
Aurora cries out for the "inhuman monster" to stop before he kills him. The words get through to Aaron as he realises his recent actions have made him every inch the menace that people like Brickman believe him to be. Horrified by his behaviour, he drills his way out of the sewer, asking Alpha Flight not to follow him. As Sasquatch nurses his headache, Aurora wonders if Agent K fared any better on their mission.
K has spent his evening searching every government office within the local radius of the post office to find the particular typewriter with quirks that match those evident on the dossier. His investigation leads him to the office of Miles Brickman, and K concludes that the senator intended for Canada to take a stand against Machine Man to boost his political ambitions. In the eyes of the Canadian government, Machine Man is exonerated... but Brickman has a price to pay.
Alpha Flight returns home, angry at how they've been played. Madam Menace vows revenge against Machine Man. Brickman's campaign implodes in light of the news coverage of his attempt to rig the election, though he swears he'll be back. And Gears and Peter pace the apartment, worried about their missing friend.
His trenchcoat collar turned up against the wind, Machine Man stalks the streets. Both emotionally and physically scarred from the loss of his temper, Aaron broods on his new understanding about the darkness in his soul, wondering how he can possibly face tomorrow.
==Featured characters==
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'''Sasquatch:''' "If your motives were noble, you have nothing to fear from our authorities!"<br>
'''MachinneMachine Man:''' "Sorry, Sasquatch! I have little faith in the authorities of any country!"
"Humanity has hunted, hounded and haunted me since the day of my creation! I've had ''enough! ENOUGH!''"
:—'''Machine Man''' cuts loose.
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===Continuity notes===
*"Barely a week" has passed since Machine Man first encountered Madam Menace, in "[[Arms and the Robot!]]". "Alone Against Alpha Flight!" takes place over the span of threefour days.
*Machine Man's fight with the Hulk occurred before "[[Introducing Machine Man]]", in Marvel U.S.'s {{Marvel|Incredible_Hulk_Vol_1_235|''The Incredible Hulk'' issue 235}} to {{Marvel|Incredible_Hulk_Vol_1_237|237}} (or Marvel UK's {{Marvel|Hulk_Comic_(UK)_Vol_1_35|''Hulk Comic'' issues 35}} to {{Marvel|Hulk_Comic_(UK)_Vol_1_40|40}}). Hulk then encountered Sasquatch {{Marvel|Incredible_Hulk_Annual_Vol_1_8|''The Incredible Hulk Annual'' #8}} (or Marvel UK's {{Marvel|Hulk_Comic_(UK)_Vol_1_52|''Hulk Comic'' issues 52}} to {{Marvel|Hulk_Comic_(UK)_Vol_1_56|56}}).
*The other half of Alpha Flight is on assignment in Northern Quebec, as seen in {{Marvel|X-Men_Vol_1_139|''The Uncanny X-Men'' issue 139}} and {{Marvel|X-Men_Vol_1_140|140}} (or Marvel UK's {{Marvel|Marvel_Super-Heroes_(UK)_Vol_1_396|''Marvel Super-Heroes'' issue 396}} and {{Marvel|Marvel_Super-Heroes_(UK)_Vol_1_397|issue 397}}).